Pro player pubg from Indonesia
Pubg mobile is indeed loved in all countries in the world for now, this game is so easy and easy to install on mobile devices especially on Android and iPhone. So many people who play this game are mobile pubg, but the question is who are the best players in the countries of the world today.
The author can not mention it for many countries in terms of pro player pubgm from our country Indonesia is BTR ESPORT, There are many reliable pubg mobile players. Because Asia is the best-selling game application market, we can be sure that many great mobile pub players are from Asia, one of which is our country Indonesia.
Why is BTR esport so good? because he really selected all the players who would join him. For example, these great players are the core team of BTR esport itself.
Who is the BTR ESPORT core team for now? he is ZUXXY, LUXXY twin brothers MICROBOY, and RYZEN.
They are so agile and great quick response and responsive to enemy attacks, from a very opensive game they can master the course of the match in each tournament match. Even in ordinary games or classic games they are so total play, and not underestimate the enemy. So that the enemy must defeat their attacks, we can be sure with a game like this the BTR team is able to defeat the enemy enemies in the PUBG mobile game.
In fact in Indonesia there are still a lot of pro players behind the scenes for the pubg mobile game but they don't dare to show off fighting in the pubg mobile game. They might prefer to stream and build a channel on YouTube or just want to push to the highest rank in the MOBILE PUBG.
So don't underestimate Pro Player pubg mobile players from Indonesia, because they are so great when playing pubg mobile games.
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