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why adsense revenue is lost or down

Whay the income adsense suddenly dropped or lost

adsense income dropped why?

Hello everyone don't forget to subcribe. Why does your adsense revenue suddenly drop or disappear? 

there are still many who do not know about this. Many friends also experienced this too, and as I suspected that the adsense platform has made many changes to the system.

You certainly already know that on the AdSense system they implement a system which will be detected if a click is valid and invalid. This system has been implemented for a long time, so that in every monthly result you must be told that your income will be detected according to the system whether the click is correct or not. 

Or is it a valid click or not a valid click, isn't that always in every history or notification of your monthly payments as long as you become an Adsense publisher partner?

But now all the systems have been packaged well by Google Adsense so that there will be no cheating, please don't click on invalid ads again, because it is possible that the AdSense system has implemented the system if you intentionally or not cheating (you already know), the results of ad payments will be eliminated or deemed invalid.

So the adsense system is so good to keep all advertisers on the application and at the same time simplify the work for AdSense employees themselves who do not need to have to do a manual check for all publishers. And for the publishers themselves are expected to not be cheating again, because yes it was if you intentionally click or not intentionally the results will still be detected by the system and will automatically delete the payment results.

But that system is only for people who are cheating or not on purpose, so still if it is true that your visitors really clicked then it will be considered correct and will still be included in your income.
So don't ever worry about working with google adsense because as long as you are honest and don't cheat then all of that will produce results and is good for yourself.

My artikel today, don't forget to subcribe this blog.


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